新概念英语第二册(美音版)A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?(精讲)

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新概念英语第二册(美音版)A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?(精讲)

2024-07-10 10:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗? First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why does the vicar refuse to cut down the tree?

The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a cursed tree. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!

New words and expressions 生词和短语 blessing n. 福分,福气 disguise n. 伪装 tiny adj. 极小的 possess v. 拥有 cursed adj. 可恨的 increase v. 增加 plant v. 种植 church n. 教堂 evil adj. 坏的 reputation n. 名声 claim v. 以......为其后果 victim n. 受害者,牺牲品 vicar n. 教区牧师 source n. 来源 income n. 收入 trunk n. 树干  


参考译文 是因祸得福吗? 据说弗林利这个小村里有一棵“该诅咒的树”。就因为报上提到过这棵树,所以现在来弗林利参观的人越来越多。该树是50年前栽在教堂附近的,但只是近几年才得到了一个坏名声。据说,谁要是触摸了这棵树,谁就会交上恶运;如果谁摘了一片树叶,谁就会死去。很多村民相信此树已经害了不少人。人们曾请求教区的牧师叫人把树砍掉,但他直到现在也没有同意。他指出,由于人们从全国各地纷纷前来参观这棵树,它成了一个有用的财源。尽管有上述种种说法,但游客们还是照常摘树叶和把他们的名字刻在树干上。然而到目前为止,还没有一个人暴死呢!

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3 词汇速记:新概念英语词汇随身听速记手册2 第56-58课

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